Claims FAQs
We’re here to answer your questions throughout the claims process.
Reporting A Claim & Contacting the Claims Department
How do I report a new claim?
You may contact our toll-free Claim Reporting Center at 1-866-676-6872 and follow the prompts to speak to a representative, fax your claim in to 866-329-6766, email your claim to newloss@msigusa.com, or signup for online reporting. Click here for more information.
Is my report number my claim number?
No. The report number is used by our customer service team to track your claim prior to being established within our claims system. A claim number will be assigned once the loss information is entered into the MSIG USA claims system.
Once the claim is reported, how long does it take for an adjuster to make contact?
All newly reported claims are established within 3-4 hours of receipt. Once the claim is established and assigned, an adjuster will contact you within the same or following business day. If you need assistance before the adjuster contacts you, you may contact our customer service team at 1-866-676-6272 and a representative will assist you.
What is the general claims mailing address?
MSIG USA, PO Box 818073, Cleveland, OH 44181-9909
Workers Compensation
Where do we send our workers’ compensation medical bills?
MSIG USA, PO Box 6966, Portland, OR 97228
Is there a list of approved medical providers for an injured worker to review?
Yes, workers can search for providers here.
We do not currently have light duty/modified jobs to accommodate employees, can you assist us in designing them?
Yes, our Risk Engineers can evaluate current jobs and identify potential modifications for temporary duties and assist with job descriptions for regular and modified jobs. In addition, vocational rehabilitation specialists, (RTW Coordinator) may be utilized to facilitate return to work in modified duty jobs.
Claims Information for Clients
Will I be notified of claim assignments?
Yes, we send our clients an acknowledgement letter that provides the claims number and identifies the assigned adjuster when a claim is first assigned. Additional notification letters are sent in the event a claim is reassigned during the life of a claim.
Will I receive confirmation of receipt and assignment of all reported claims?
MSIG USA issues a claim acknowledgement letter within 24 business hours for all newly reported claims. This letter will advise you of your claim number and assigned adjuster’s contact information. In the event the claim is reassigned at any time during the claims process, a notice of claim reassignment will be issued with the updated contact information.
Can clients access adjuster notes on specific claims?
Yes, our clients can access claim information through the Claim Inquiry (CI) system. CI provides view-only access to certain claim notes and financial information. The CI system is updated nightly to capture the most current information.
Can clients obtain loss runs?
Yes, clients can obtain loss runs through the Consolidated Reporting System (CRS). Reports can be run in an Excel or PDF format. Information in CRS is updated nightly to provide the most current claim information. To learn more about our Loss Run System, please send an Email to LCCRSProcessing@msigusa.com
Insurance Policy & Coverage Question
Questions about your policy?
You should contact your agent/broker for questions regarding your policy. If you need assistance in identifying your agent/broker, please click here.

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